Sex in love - when is it too early?

Letting sex happen before you feel ready is that you've ruined your chances of developing a relationship further and putting yourself in the worst feeling of having a new day - That's the idea of Psychologist, M. Tina B. Tessina.

Society has grown to the point where people do not have heavy sex before marriage. But even if the glances are more open, "give - take" is still something young people should consider. Here are a few reasons given by experts to advise you to wait rather than rush into the "adult world":

1. Having early sex makes you "blurred".

You are no longer able to make accurate assessments once you are physically close, and in that situation, it is difficult to make smart partner / companion choices jav amateur .

Sex is too hasty to make the two people skip the stage of getting to know each other in the morning, about their personality and soul. You don't know if that person is really suitable for you because what both of you care about now seems to be just sex. But love is much more than just physical things.

2. Waiting to help strengthen and develop the love between two people in the long run

Wait, not having it happen too soon gives both the opportunity to see which side is best for the fastest. Experts call this the way you form the "infrastructure of relationships" - basically like forming a passion, liking each other rather than just being physically close.

In other words, suppressing the wait for the ripe time for sex is also a way to develop a friendship between the two.

3. Not every sex is sexy

Sexual attraction certainly does not go away during the time you two learn to know each other better. And let's look at the truth, if that attraction really faded away, that's because it was too faint from the start.

For people who really have a crush on each other for many other things, the feeling of "hanging" will make the desire stronger and more intense for the last time when "sex" begins.

If you decide to erase that "charming mystery" too soon, you might as well erase the future that would have happened to you two.

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